Created by Gio’

La Baracchetta di Biagio Lungomare Marinai d’Italia 3, 16036 Recco (Ge) P.I. 00817350101

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Farinata chickpea-based puncake How to prepare: Put the chickpea flour in a bowl with 1 liter and 3/4 of water and two handful of salt. Blend well with a wooden spoon : when, picking up the spoon, there are no more trails of the mixture, the latter will have reached the right liquidity. Let it rest for 30 minutes and then filter it with a strainer in order to remove the remaining lumps of flour. Sprinkle well with extra virgin olive-oil a pan with about 50 cm of diameter and borders of at least 3 cm in height and pour on it the liquid mixture, mixing in order to blend completely the oil. Bake it paying attention that the liquid is evenly spread on the pan, at 250ºCelsius for 10 minutes. During baking you can add a little bit of oil on the drier parts. Surely the ideal thing is a wood-fired oven but also a gas one gives very good results. Dish up just baked. Enjoy your meal!
Created by Gio’

La Baracchetta di Biagio Lungomare Marinai d’Italia 3, 16036 Recco (Ge) P.I. 00817350101

Farinata chickpea-based pancake How to prepare: Put the chickpea flour in a bowl with 1 liter and 3/4 of water and two handful of salt. Blend well with a wooden spoon : when, picking up the spoon, there are no more trails of the mixture, the latter will have reached the right liquidity. Let it rest for 30 minutes and then filter it with a strainer in order to remove the remaining lumps of flour. Sprinkle well with extra virgin olive-oil a pan with about 50 cm of diameter and borders of at least 3 cm in height and pour on it the liquid mixture, mixing in order to blend completely the oil. Bake it paying attention that the liquid is evenly spread on the pan, at 250ºCelsius for 10 minutes. During baking you can add a little bit of oil on the drier parts. Surely the ideal thing is a wood-fired oven but also a gas one gives very good results. Dish up just baked. Enjoy your meal!